Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 365: June 29, 2012

LAST DAY. I can hardly believe it. Today I hung out with my boyfriend Josh. We went to see The Seeking at the Ace Of Spades. I decided to do a self portrait because I started with one at the very beginning and I'll end with one. 

Day 364: June 28, 2012

I went to work and then met up with Megan A., Kadie, Sam and Jessica where we skyped Julia! We miss her so much! Then we went to youth group. This is Megan playing with kids toys. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 363: June 27, 2012

Hung out with Josh for a little bit today and then went to work! This is my beautiful mom! 

Day 362: June 26, 2012

Lazy day today! Then went to college group with Josh. And after a bunch of us went to BJ's. Good day! These are post cards my dad wrote a long time ago!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 361: June 25, 2012

Work, pinterest and the bachelorette with Nicole. Good day! This is Nicole's fish!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 360: June 24, 2012

5 more days!!!!! Today my family and I went to Islands for a late Father's Day lunch and then I hung out with Josh. Another great day!

Day 359: June 23, 2012

I know I've done a million pictures of my cat but she had to go to the vet and now she's high on some drugs. Then I had work. 

Day 358: June 22, 2012

Hung out with Josh and helped him get ready for his camping trip. Then went to work! 

Day 357: June 21, 2012

Such a great day! Went to work and then my boyfriend took me on a date to Fats Asian Bistro. It was an amazing night. This is his bass stuff!

Day 356: June 20, 2012

Just had work today and then Josh came over for dinner! Great night! This is my awesome backpack.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 355: June 19, 2012

Spent some time with Kat running errands! It's always great spending time with her, even if it's running errands. Then went to College Group with Josh and then we hung out with Natalie and Alex. So fun! This is a's kind og gross. 

Day 354: June 18, 2012

Today was a lazy morning/afternoon. Then I went to work. This is some of the earrings my mom has made!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 353: June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!! Today, I slept in! Yay! And then went over to Josh's house. Hung out with him and his family. Also got to see Samson (Sam)! He's adorable! This is Josh holding Sam. We rescued him last Saturday!

Day 352: June 16, 2012

Ran a bunch of errands and then went to Kim's Bridal Shower! And then went to the Green resident for a little family get together and then Megan and I went to Church. We got to hang out with some cool people too! This is Tulip! Probably one of the most precious babies ever.

Day 351: June 15, 2012

Camp home from camp today. Bitter-Sweet. All of my girls are amazing! I'm going to miss seeing them everyday! They're so funny! This is tea that my new friend Chris gave me! It's so good! I got to see Josh today too! Great times!

Day 350: June 14, 2012

This is Brianna, she wanted to protect herself from the paintballs! Another fun day! Our last full day at camp. Sad!

Day 349: June 13, 2012

Morning worship, Breakfast, Chapel, Cabin Time, Rec Games at the Ball Field, Lunch, Free Time, Counselor Meeting, Dinner, Chapel, Cabin Time, Game, Free Time. That's a typical day at camp! 

Day 348: June 12, 2012

My girlies again! This is before the yuck-war. Where we go around throwing dye on each other. So much fun! We also did the Sky Swing today too! 

Day 347: June 11, 2012

First full day at camp! These are my girls! Jessica, Megan, Kadie, Brianna, Amanda and Sam! I seriously have the best high schoolers ever! Today some of us went to morning worship and then had a great time at chapel with the most amazing speaker and we played some fun games and stuff. Good times!

Day 346: June 10, 2012

First day of camp! After only about 2 hours of sleep, I got myself a Go Girl and headed off to CNC where we got prayed over and then we headed to Alliance Redwoods! It was a nice time at camp where I saw lots of people from previous years and lots of people I've never met. This picture is taken at the Canjabee Can Can tournament. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 345: June 9, 2012

Went to the Engage Young Adult BBQ with Josh, met up with friends there and then we headed over to Kat's 21st Birthday Party! Had an amazing time! Great night! 

Day 344: June 8, 2012

Happy 21st Birthday Kat! Went to the mall with Kelly and Nicole and then had a great time making smores with Nicole, Shannon and Josh! Fun fun fun.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Day 343: June 7, 2012

Such a great day! I spent the nigh at Kat's last night and then went to my mom's work and met up with her for lunch and then went to a dentist appointment. After that Emily and I got stuff ready for youth group and spent time catching up with her! Then we had the End of school party for Youth Group. So fun hanging out with everyone! It was all the Senior's last youth group, so sad! Then after youth group, I hung out with Josh! So fun! This is Taylor and his new tattoo! 

Day 342: June 6, 2012

Today, I took Kat to LMFAO for her 21st Birthday! We had an amazing time! So much fun! I love her so much!

Day 341: June 5, 2012

Today I went to work and then an interview and then Engage at Lakeside. It was fun! And then hung out with some awesome people afterwards! My parents were in SF for the past weekend and they brought me home awesome!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 340: June 4, 2012

Lazy day! All I did was go to the gym. After tomorrow, my "vacation" starts and I don't have to go to work for 12 days! Well, it rained today, so here's Ally in her's pretty embarrasing and she hates it. Hahaha. And I know, taking pictures of my animals again. But seriously, look at them. They won't be in anymore, I promise. I only have 25 more days left! LESS THAN A MONTH. I cannot wait.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 339: June 3, 2012

Went to The Ten at Lakeside and had a great lunch with Josh and Nicole. Then cleaned a little. Gym later today! This is a gross spider that I found....

Day 338: June 2, 2012

It was a really slow say at work but after that I went to Josh's and he made some awesome Fajitas and then we hung out with Nicole and this is her planting her biodegradable spoon. Great night!

Day 337: June 1, 2012

Chilled at home and then went to the gym and then to Cordova High's graduation. This is Alison. She's on of my youth girls! She's awesome and I'm so proud of all the 2012 Graduates!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 336: May 31, 2012

Happy Thursday! I got to spend time with Kat! And a little bit with Jasmine too. It was a lot of fun! Then Youth Group was held at the park and we had some worship and played kickball. And then after youth group Nicole, Tony, Josh and I snuck into Folsom High's grad night. Fun night :) With awesome people. This is a picture from youth group. I took it with Bryce's new camera.