Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 335: May 30, 2012

Work was pretty boring and slow but then I had a great time after. Hung out with Josh and we walked around the lake. So many bugs! But it was a lot of fun. This is Gumby. He needs no explanation because he's Gumby.

Day 334: May 29, 2012

Work and then I went to the drive-in and saw The Avengers. Such a good movie! I haven't been to the drive-ins in so long! 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 333: May 29, 2012

Woke up and seriously had the best work out ever. Two hours of Zumba and a nice jog on the treadmill. Spend the rest of the day relaxing. It's been nice, haven't had one of these days in a while. I decided to do a self portrait today. 

Day 332: May 27, 2012

Slept in, then walked to the gym and had a great workout and then walked home. Then hung out with some awesome people. This is my mom's photo wall of awesome pictures.

Day 331: May 26, 2012

Slow day at work again. Then I took a nap and then went to Church. After church I got to hang out with Sammie, Sammy, Nicole, Josh and Brooke. Fun times!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 330: May 25, 2012

Woke up at 6am with in the worst pain and it wouldn't got away for 2 1/2 hours when I finally fell back asleep. Then I woke up at 1pm. I haven't done that in a long time. I don't like it because my day is almost over now. And then I have the last GAB group with Jordan and then the gym. 

Day 329: May 24, 2012

Work started off lame but became great! Then I hung out with Emily and we ran some errands at Target got some dinner and went to CHS' choir concert. This is Bryce in his Bro outfit. 

Day 328: May 23, 2012

One of the worst days I've had at work. Thank God my manager loves me. I went to the gym with my frustrations where I did some Zumba...(duhhhh) and then jogged 2 miles without stopping for the first time in my life. I love Veggie Straws. The End. 

Day 327: May 22, 2012

Work, hair appt. and then Cardio Kickboxing and Zumba! I am so sore but it was so much fun! This is a foil ball. My cat is obsessed. 

Day 326: May 21, 2012

Work and then Piyo Strength! It was so hard but super fun! These are bananas! 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 325: May 20, 2012

I know there was a solar eclipse today but my dummy self forgot. So I did not get a picture. Therefore I have this dumb one. But I do love my saltwater sandals. And today we took my mom out for a late mother's day and then I did scholarships and stuff all night. 

Day 324: May 19, 2012

Today I worked for such a long time and then went to church and hung out with a friend. This is a turtle. I don't really know. 

Day 323: May 18, 2012

Worked this morning and then went to CNC for the variety show where I was in charge of the "photobooth" this is Bree and Carrie! THey're awesome!

Day 322: May 17, 2012

Went job searching today for a second job. Then went to youth group. This is Megan, she's one of my favorite people! Love her so much! 

Day 321: May 16, 2012

Before you say anything...I know, it's another picture of Zoey. But can you resist her cuteness. Anyways, finished school today! Now I'm on summer break! Spent it at work! Woo!

Day 320: May 15, 2012

I got the day off before my last day of school! Did a couple of errands and then met up with Jordan! Love her! And then went off to Zumba! I got this today, it's called a fitbit. I love it. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 319: May 14, 2012

After barely any sleep, I went to school and practiced our Spanish presentation about a million times with Amanda and Owen. Then we rocked it during class. No more Spanish class! Bitter-Sweet. After school, I went to work. We had a new manager today....I miss my old manager. This is Gabe....I can't remember who he's supposed to be. 

Day 318: May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day! I didn't get to spend Mother's Day with my mom because she was out of town with my dad visiting her mom. And I had to work. It was pretty busy, lot's of moms. Then I went to Capital and saw Royal Tailor with Kat and her parents and then practiced more Spanish. Long day!

Day 317: May 12, 2012

I was at work forever today. After that I spent forever getting props and practicing for my Spanish presentation and then I went with some friends to some race thing and then sky high. You can't tell from this picture but that car was going really fast.

Day 316: May 11, 2012

Today was a go, go go day. Went to work and then to GAB at the block, where it was our last one. We sent off the 8th graders and all that fun stuff. I got the lotion, starbucks gift card and earrings as a thank you from the group. That was so sweet. Then after that I went to my Zumba class. So fun!

Day 315: May 10, 2012

Today was my last day of astronomy! I took the final, it was very hard. But I'm glad it's over! I also went to Youth Group tonight. This is Jennifer, she's probably one of my favorites! I'm going to miss her when she graduates. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 314: May 9, 2012

School and work and then studying for my Astronomy test. 

Day 313: May 8, 2012

School and then I went to Kristi's and hung out with her, Andrew and Brandon by the pool. Then of course off to my Zumba class. So much fun!

Day 312: May 7, 2012

School and work and homework. Pretty boring day. Those are Mondays for ya.

Day 311: May 6, 2012

I got to be Victoria's model for her photo project. That was a lot of fun seeing her again! This is her awesome tattoo.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 310: May 5, 2012

Went to work today, so slow! Annoyingly slow. But Happy Cinco de Mayo! This is the was so bright! 

Day 309: May 4, 2012

May the 4th be with you. Work was slow but I was there forever. Then went to the gym and did some homework. This is my mom's lamp. 

Day 308: May 3, 2012

Had my Astronomy debate today, we definitely won it. Then Math class...I'm so glad Math is almost over for the semester and then I worked on my Spanish project with Owen and Amanda. Then celebrated Emily's Birthday with Stephanie. This is literally the only picture I took today. Then Kat came over where we had an adventure at Winco. 

Day 307: May 2, 2012

While I went to school and then work, my cousins and parents went to Lake Tahoe and showed my cousins the snow. These are Tim Tams, an Aussie/NZ cookie. So good!

Day 306: May 1, 2012

First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY. And Today was a pretty long day. Astronomy, Math, then met up with my Spanish group and then met up with my Astronomy group and then my Aussie cousins, Paul and Rachel flew in and we showed them a little on Downtown Sacramento and Old Sac. 

Day 305: April 30, 2012

Math, Spanish and work today. And my mom wanted me to take this picture for Anna. :) Love you girl.