Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 304: April 29, 2012

Feeling sorta better today. All I did was clean...and I'm still not even done. These are prayer bead things. 

Day 303: April 28, 2012

Still not feeling my best, I went to Jenna's Baby shower! Super fun. Then came home and slept more. And then went to Mini Golf with the High Schoolers. 

Day 302: April 27,2012

Went to the gym this morning with Liz, I definitely was not feeling well. So I went home early to take a nap. Then I went to GAB group where Jordan and I hung out with some hyper 6th grade girls. Then I went to work. These are to of our girls.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 301: April 26, 2012

The weather is so random today. Cold and rainy in the morning. Then Sunny and nice in the afternoon. Weird. Yesterday I had a dentist appointment and today my mouth was hurting a little. I was also falling asleep in my classes. Went to Jamba Juice with Emily today and then had youth group. This is my brother and his friend, he's making a video for his project.

Day 300: April 25, 2012

Rain....mehhh, Math test, boring spanish day, Dentist. Not my favorite day. My cat always cheers me up. 

Day 299: April 24, 2012

Long day at school then lots of homework and then Zumba. This is one of my dad's drawings on "Draw Some." I wish I had his skills.

Day 298: April 23, 2012

Today consisted of a 5:30 am cycle class, school, work and then another hour at the gym. Good day! This is what my head feels like sometimes. 

Day 297: April 22, 2012

Today, me Crissy, my dad and a couple other people helped my mom with her class project. This is Crissy, acting as "Mina" in the late 1940's.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 296: April 21, 2012

It was incredibly slow at work. The weather was awesome though. Then, me, Steph and Emily went to Islands to celebrate my birthday. Then we took some sweet pictures. This is Stephanie! 

Day 295: April 20, 2012

Work was so slow! Then after work I went to help out with the Pasta Feed for the Youth Group fundraiser! This is Bryce being the money man. 

Day 294: April 19, 2012

School then gym and then I went to my old high school to support some of the youth kids in their choir concert. This is my belt. I like it. 

Day 293: April 18, 2012

5am workout with Liz again! Then school and then work. This is an awesome case thing my parents got me :)

Day 292: April 17, 2012

School, saw Crissy and Gym today. Great day! Crissy made me this awesome necklace for my birthday! Love youuuu.

Day 291: April 16, 2012

Woke up at 5am to do a workout with Liz. So early but worth it. Then went to school and then work. This is my favorite dark chocolate that Keanna got me for my birthday. Thank you. 

Day 290: April 15, 2012

My parents and brother took me out to a Birthday Lunch and then I went to Ashley's baby shower and then I went to The Seeking's show. It's Taylor and Dylan's band. They were great! And then chilled with Kat in Old Folsom for a little bit. 

Day 289: April 14, 2012

It's my 20th Birthday today! Yay! I had a relaxed morning/afternoon just running errands and cleaning and stuff and then I went to dinner with Morgan, Sarah, Keanna and Kristi at BJ's where we saw Allison! Then I went to Zach's and played some bored games. 

Day 288: April 13, 2012

Went to the mall and then worked. I had to close so I was there forever, but it's okay. It was actually a great shift! These are some of my new pens I got for work. Yay!

Day 287: April 12, 2012

School and then I visited Charity! It was so nice to see her after not seeing her over a year! It was super stormy though. Not my favorite weather. After seeing Charity, I went to Youth Group where I got to hang out with some awesome High Schoolers. This is Kadie, Jessica and Sam....I'm not too sure what they're looking at. Probably Bryce doing something dumb.

Day 286: April 11, 2012

Been kind of in a funk. Today is another work and school day. This is the worship band at winter camp. Been missing the atmosphere at winter camp. 

Day 285: April 10, 2012

Today was a busy day. School, Bodypump class, and then youth group. This is a stress "ball" thing. 

Day 284: April 9, 2012

Today was not my day. in a weird mood, had school and work and that's about it. 

Day 283: April 8, 2012

Happy Easter! Today, my parents, brother and I went to my uncle's house in Brentwood to celebrate Easter. It was a nice relaxing time! These are eggs my cousin and aunt made. 

Day 281: April 7, 2012

Today was just a work and church day. Pretty relaxed. These are cotton balls. So exciting, I know. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 280: April 6, 2012

Took pictures with Lisa in Old Folsom, so much fun! She's awesome. Now off to work.

Day 279: April 5, 2012

I felt super sick all day and went to Youth Group. This is Katie's awesome purse.

Day 278: April 4, 2012

Got my nails done with Morgan and Keanna and then we all went to work. This is a cool tie I found at the thrift store.

Day 277: April 3, 2012

I honestly can't remember what I did today. This is an elephant.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 276: April 2, 2012

Spent the night at Crissy's and today we went to some Thrift Stores and walked around downtown and went to McKinley Park (re-lived my childhood!!) and had an awesome day! Love her! This is me and Crissy.

Day 275: April 1, 2012

Yay! Happy April! It's my birthday month! So far April has been awesome! Went to church and then spent the day with Crissy and Josh where Crissy made amazing Mexican food. This is The Hulk, obviously. Ha.

Day 274: March 31, 2012

Work and then hung out with Silas and Tanner for a little. Sorry for this boring picture, I almost forgot to even take one.

Day 273: March 30, 2012

Went to work, then hung out with Brittany and her friend for a little bit before I went to Kat's. Winston like to roll around in Brittany's hair.