Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 272: March 29, 2012

Astronomy, Math and Spanish. Astronomy was pretty boring as usual, Math was boring also and Spanish I had to take a really hard test. Then went to Youth Group, this is Megan, she's awesome.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 271: March 28, 2012

Math and Spanish today and then work. Yipeee. I haven't done a self portrait in a while so here's one. I'm not angry....but I've been in a snappy mood today. Blahhhhhh.

Day 270: March 27, 2012

I have so many pictures of my cat and dog that this 365 project should be just pictures of my pets and other people's pet. But I can't help that my Zoey is awesome. Other than that I had school and then I hung out with Nicole and went to bed early.

Day 269: March 26, 2012

Pretty tired today. Went to school and then to work and then slept. Yeah.

Day 268: March 25, 2012

Went to church then did 5 hours of homework and then fell asleep and then hung out with some friends. Productive-ish day.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 267: March 24, 2012

Worked for what felt like forever today. Then went home and relaxed and stuff. Filed my taxes, which took forever. It was just a blah day. This is Ally, she's kinda gross. But this is the first time in years where she actually looked at the camera.

Day 266: March 23, 2012

After only having 4 hours of sleep, I had work in the morning. Besides being exhausted, it was a good shift. Then went to GAB group where all our girls were screaming and talking about the Hunger Games. Then went to the gym with Morgan. Good day! This is the OG backpack we all got last year for being in the top restaurants....or something like that.

Day 265: March 22, 2012

100 days left! Today, Astronomy was canceled so went to breakfast with a friend then went to Math and then spanish and then ran a million errands and got them all checked off my list! Then went to the Hunger Game's premiere with Emily! We met up with some cool people and saw so many people we knew!

Day 264: March 21, 2012

School and work today. My dad got his ipad today. It's pretty awesome.

Day 263: March 20, 2012

School then met up with Chelsea at Peet's! It was so good to catch up with her. Then we went to Scott's last TNT and said our goodbyes. When we went to her house, I saw her chickens!

Day 262: March 19, 2012

School and then I was supposed to go to a show with Emily today but it ended up being sold out. So we went to the mall instead. Also, I'm super sick. This is a picture of my feet.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 261: March 18, 2012

Slept in, cleaned a little, hung out with Crissy! Me and her both are sick, lame. And this is a martini my mom made.

Day 260: March 17, 2012

Work was so long, I can barely talk and I'm sniffily. After work spent a little time being addicted to this game, DrawSomething. Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Day 259: March 16, 2012

Worrrrrrrkkkkk, also I think I may be sick. E24 had a photo scavenger hunt, this is our exotic animal....from PetCo.

Day 258: March 15, 2012

School, hung out with friends, youth group and gym with Morgan. Good day! This is my mom's mutant flower.

Day 257: March 14, 2012

I'm pretty much over this rain. I am tired of it. School, hung out and went to the gym.

Day 256: March 13, 2012

School and Ethiopia night at E24! Today at school I had a Math test and a group presentation in Astronomy.

Day 255: March 12, 2012

Another school/work day. This is my guitar.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 254: March 11, 2012

Kind of a lazy and productive day. First half consisted of sleeping in and doing nothing. Then I took pictures of Kristin for Ethiopia and Erin came along! They make me so happy! Then homework and cleaned me room...again.

Day 253: March 10, 2012

Work....and then after work, I went to The Rock and Worship Roadshow at Arco (Powerbalance)! I met up with Emily and Ginny and saw so many people that I know. And saw some awesome bands. At one point the lead singer from Tenth Avenue North ran up our isle and sang/talked right in front of us and then our faces were on the jumbotron....awkward...but fun! This is the some of the crown holding out their phones and it made a pretty starry look.

Day 252: March 9, 2012

Just had work, then I hung out with Kat and Anna! This is a weird plant in Kat's room.

Day 251: March 8, 2012

School, again. Ha. Then youth group. This is a trash can and the candle represents fire and the paper in the trash are sins that we wrote down and casted into the fire.

Day 250: March 7, 2012

School and work. I'm getting pretty good at opening wine bottles.

Day 249: March 6, 2012

Astronomy, Math and Spanish. Blahhhh. But church was fun! Then I went to a co-worker's birthday. This is a pattern of one of my dresses.

Day 248: March 5, 2012

School, work and studying for my Spanish test/on tumblr.

Day 247: March 4, 2012

I got a lot done today. Cleaned my room, finished all my homework, plus some, a some other stuff. I know I took a picture of Zoey yesterday, but they are precious.

Day 246: March 3, 2012

I can't remember what I did today. But this is Zoey....yawning.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 245: March 2, 2012

Stayed up until 4:30ish with Kat and Steph....haven't done that in a very long time. I was very excited when I saw Trixs! I haven't had these in a long time!

Day 244: March 1, 2012

Is it March already? Awesome! Long day at school, then went to the gym with Morgan and Andrew and then to youth group and then spent the night with Kat and Steph. This is Emily and her new hair color!

Day 243: February 29, 2012

School and work and homework and rain. This is Ally.

Day 242: February 28, 2012

Long day at school mixed with not feeling very well. I totally forgot about this chocolate..I really was an emergency.

Day 241: February 27, 2012

Another school and work day....and this is the second book in The Hunger Game series.