Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 240: February 26, 2012

Long day! Woke up early and went to Kat's church, finished my book! Had a lovely lunch at Beach Hut Deli and took some pictures of Kat's friend Jon! Fun day!

Day 239: February 25, 2012

Work was kind of annoying, only because one guest. But beside that, it was pretty good. Then I continued reading The Hunger Games and then went to Kat's!

Day 238: February 24, 2012

Worked, read Hunger awesome and hung out with a new friend today. This is his gansta watch.

Day 237: February 23, 2012

School and Gym and oh my, I decided to do a body pump workout and man, I was not expecting it to be so intense. It was awesome though. I took this while driving....not the best idea.

Day 236: February 22, 2012

School and first day back at work in over a week. It's good to be back!

Day 235: February 21, 2012

School and Church kind of day! This is a table cloth.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 234: February 20, 2012

Time to head home. Woke up early, had one last leader meeting, ate breakfast, cleaned up our rooms, turned in keys and said good byes to new friends. What an amazing weekend. And this is Jennifer and Sara! They're so adorable.

Day 233: February 19, 2012

Second full day at camp and I'm already exhausted....maybe because lack of sleep + lots of activities + freezing coldness+ 200 high schoolers = me, tired. But today during free time, some of us decided to take some hipster pictures on the dock. This is Katie!

Day 232: February 18, 2012

Our first full day at camp. It's pretty cold here but not as cold as I thought it would be. We had a photo scavenger hunt again the other cabins and one of the things were, we had to fun hidden roses around camp and take a picture next to it. We found this one and there were people next to us that we didn't want to find it.

Day 231: February 17, 2012

Winter Camp! I have the honor to be a camp counselor to some of the coolest high school girls! We drove up to Zephyr's Cove, Lake Tahoe, NV for camp and met up with 8 other churches! These are two of my girls, Jennifer and Sara wearing their footy pajamas.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 230: February 16, 2012

Great day! Astronomy was boring as usual, same with Math but I got a lot of work done! So that was good. Then had Spanish and then Emily came over and we hung out and went to run an errand and then went to From Indian Lakes and Wales at Club Retro. Both did amazing! This is Daniel Dare from Wales.

Day 229: February 15, 2012

I had to get my blood work done. My arm felt weird all day. Then I had school and then took a nap and finished homework. My cat loves this box.

Day 228: February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day! I'm not really a fan of it, but everyone seemed to be in a good mood. In Astronomy we had this cool planetarium thing, then of course I went to Spanish and Math. Also, work was so insane. 2nd busiest day of the year. This is my valentine from Emily.

Day 227: February 13, 2012

Math and Spanish today then work. This is a neckless my relative made.

Day 226: February 12, 2012

I'm loving the gym! I'm not liking homework though. This is a picture thing that's hanging in my room.

Day 225: February 11, 2012

Pretty relaxed day. I didn't do much besides go to the gym and church. This is a strange picture....not the best, but I don't even care.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 224: February 10, 2012

Today was a pretty relaxed day. Hung out with Mark for a bit and went to the mall. Then later went to the gym.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 223: February 9, 2012

It's been a long day. Astronomy was boring, Math was boring too and Spanish we had a test. But other than that, today was good! Had a great workout and then went to youth group. This is Tom from The Crosswalk.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 222: February 8, 2012

After school, I signed up at 24 hour fitness! I'm super excited. Then I had an early dinner with Allison and then went to the gym and met up with some people. Weird picture....I know.

Day 221: February 7, 2012

Another day at school. Then I had a nice workout before College Group. This is boys against girls in Tug or War.

Day 220: February 6, 2012

School was pretty good. Then Me, Sarah A, Morgan and Keanna got our nails done. It was awesome. And this is Bella! Had a good time at Bible Study!

Day 219: February 5, 2012

Spent the night at Kat's. We had a good time at church then hanging out, not caring about The Superbowl. Then, I went to was dead. This is a muffin.

Day 218: February 4, 2012

Kat and I went to see Dylan and Taylor's band, The Seeking! Due to really bad lighting...I took this.

Day 217: February 3, 2012

Long day at work. That's literally all I did. This is Zoey's eye.

Day 216: February 2, 2012

School....well just Astronomy and Math because Spanish was cancelled...again. Got a lot done today. Youth Group was fun! And seeing Tiffy was great!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 215: February 1, 2012

Doctor's appointment....I had to get a shot. Then school and then work. It was really slow so I got to go home early. My Toms are pretty old. I want to get new ones!

Day 214: January 31, 2012

School and work....woohooo (sarcasm). This is Ally, she's kinda gross.

Day 213: January 30, 2012

No Math today, class was cancelled, and Spanish was super short. Now only if I didn't have to go to work. I wanted to take a picture of my yarn tree in my room (it's not done yet).

Day 212: January 29, 2012

I don't think any of my pictures can anymore boring than this. But hw is all I do...and work. Mehhh.