Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 211: January 28, 2012

I got to sleep in again. I relaxed today, it was nice. Played a lot of Just Dance 3, I'm addicted. Did some homework and now I'm about to go and hang out with middle schoolers. This is me. I had no idea what to take a picture of so a self portrait it is.

Day 210: January 27, 2012

Slept in, did homework, played Just Dance 3, went to work. Good day. This is tissue in honor of both my parents being super sick. I hope I don't get sick.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 209: January 24, 2012

One of my classes were canceled! Got home early. Went for a nice jog in the rain and went to CNC and hung out with some awesome high schoolers. This is my cat Cameron, doing a stretch of some sort.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 208: January 25, 2012

I'm getting tired of these school and work days. Mehhhhh, I will be in a better mood tomorrow. I literally had no idea what to take a picture of. So this is what you get. But she's pretty.

Day 207: January 24, 2012

Another school and work day. Missed E24, again. No me gusta. These are apples.

Day 206: January 23, 2012

It's a school and work kind of day. I'm ready for more sunshine. I'm not liking this whole gloomy days stuff. This is Zoey.

Day206: January 22, 2012

Woke up early and went to church with Kat then did more homework and then went to work. Dumb day, minus seeing Kat. This is pizza. Dumb picture to go with a dumb day.

Day 205: January 21, 2012

After work, Kat came over! We had a great time catching up, doing homework then getting food and pinkberry! This is her hair.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 204: January 20, 2012

Such a boring day. All it consisted of was work. This is one of my favorite band's newest CD. Yeahhhhh.

Day 203: January 19, 2012

Rainnnnnn, NO! Besides the rain, school was good. I'm still not sure if I got into Astronomy. Had lunch with a friend then went to CNC. These are a couple of the high schoolers, Megan and Ondre, rocking a sweet stach. After youth group, I met up with Anna and had a nice dinner celebrating her new job at OG! And then I stopped by my co-worker's surprise going away party.

Day 202: January 18, 2012

School was good! Then I went to work. This is Zoey. She's awesome.

Day 201: January 17, 2012

First Day of school! Waitlisted in my Astronomy class. But I know a couple of people! Hopefully I'll get in. I have Joshua in my Math class, thank God. And Spanish I have Amanda! It seems like it's going to be a good semester. I wish I could have taken more classes. Oh well. This is amazing lotion that Crissy got me addicted to.

Day 200: January, 16, 2012

Happy MLK day! Work and then Just Dance Off 3 at Jaime's! So much fun! These are some awesome cupcakes.

Day 199: January 15, 2012

Went to work then my dad's birthday dinner at Islands. This is one of his birthday cards. After the dinner, I went and hung out with some people at Bryce's.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 198: January 14, 2012

Met with Kim and her other bridesmaid's and we found her wedding dress and got all ours too! Then I rushed over to Jessica and Brett's wedding where we had an awesome time dancing and seeing them get married. Then rushed over to MSM where all the kids went crazy and hit each other with noodles then rushed over to Allison's house for her and Aly's goodbyes party. They're going to Africa for 5 months. Busy day!

Day 197: January 13, 2012

Zoey got fixed yesterday. This is her sleeping with her cone. Other than hanging with my cat, I closed at work. And made friend's with my co-worker's baby. He's awesome. Btw, I'm afraid of babies, so that was a big step for me.

Day 196: January 12, 2012

Day off...yay! Helped out at CNC, so good being back! This is me reading a book. Yup. It's also my Dad's birthday! Happy Birthday Dad!!

Day 195: January 11, 2012

Another day at work. This is the cover to a notebook my co-worker Emily gave me. She's the sweetest!

Day 194: January 10, 2012

After work I went to E24 and then we went to Pinkberry and Blue Nami! Good times.

Day 193: January 9, 2012

I worked a long day and that's about it. This is a dollar bill...yeah.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 192: January 8, 2012

Great day with Brett! This is his Fender Rhodes (?) So awesome. Thank you Jason and Amy for letting me stay at your lovely home!

Day 191: January 7, 2012

Drove up to Redding to visit Brett! This is one of the Miller's dogs, Tito. He reminds me of a stuffed animal.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 190: January 6, 2012

I went went from work to church for GAB and then to Josiah James' CD release show. Super long day. Saw a lot of people I haven't seen in a while! This is Dan from Lybecker. I didn't really take any pictures tonight.

Day 189: January 5, 2012

Today was going to be my day to get things done. I went to the gym and that's about it. Then Nicole invited me out with some cool people. This is Sammie's awesome burger.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 188: January 4, 2012

Woke up early and picked up Tiffy and Emily and we visited Gilmore at our old high school. It was nice seeing him! Then I had work. It was another nice and relaxed night. This is grass. Sorry for all the boring pictures. I am pretty uninspired lately.

Day 187: January 3, 2012

I hung out with Tiffany today! I haven't seen her in a really long time. Then I saw Casey and some other people! Then I went to work. It was super laid back at work, it felt nice for a change. Then Nicole and I went to see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It was very intense. This is my memory box I've been putting sticker's on it.

Day 186: January 2, 2012

Such a long day at work. I'm pretty much over it. Went over to Nicole's for a little bit. This is her name thing in her room.

Day 185: January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! I had work this morning. That's pretty much it. Boring photo for a boring day.

Day 184: December 31, 2011

I met up for a coffee date with Kim! She's the sweetest! It was nice catching up with her! Then hung out with Emily for a little bit. Then went to church then over to Brittany's for New Year's. At Brittany's we roasted marshmallows!