Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 183: December 30, 2011

Yup, another long day at work. And we ran out of Breadsticks. That was fun. Got home Skyped Brett then went to sleep. Oh, and checked facebook. I apologize for the lame pictures. I'm just not feeling inspired lately.

Day 182: December 29, 2011

It's my Grandma's 87th Birthday today. Happy Birthday Grandma. Also the day my boyfriend moves to Redding. I drove up with Brett and his mom and sister to help him move then me, Pam and Lauren drove back after. Then Crissy came over! This is the sunset we saw driving back.

Day 181: December 28, 2011

Another really long day at work. 9 hours and I felt like crap the whole time. I don't know how much longer I can keep up with these long hours. When I got home, I fell asleep then freaked out because I realized I didn't take a picture yet. Therefore, this is all I could come up with.

Day 180: December 27, 2011

Got my hair done today and Brett came over and helped me with a cool art tree thing in my room. I'll post a picture when it's done. This is a little Eiffel Tower from Vegas.

Day 179: December 26, 2011

Long day 9 hours at work today! We were running out of dishes! It sucked. I need a break! This is part of the plate I go my mom for Christmas.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Day 178: December 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Jesus/Merry Christmas! Today is a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. I slept in a little then the family opened some presents and had a late breakfast my mom cooked then just spent time with the family. Then a couple of my mom and dad's friends and my boyfriend came over to hang out. I decided to do a self-portrait today.

Day 177: December 24, 2011

Happy Christmas Eve! Every year my family goes to the 11:00pm service and opens an ornament! This is mine this year!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day 176: December 23, 2011

It's been a great day! Had a short shift at OG then went over to my boyfriend's house and we celebrated our Christmas and cooked me delicious dinner. It was such a special night! This is our presents to each other.

Day 175: December 22, 2011

Happy 21st Birthday to my brother! I literally did nothing all day. It was my day off and I felt so sick. But later that night I went to Tahoe Joe's to celebrate my brother's birthday. These are just some of the people who were there.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 174: December 21, 2011

Another long 8 hours at work. Then Brett came over and hung out! This is Zoey, she likes hanging out in the Christmas tree.

Day 173: December 20, 2011

Long day at work again. Then I went to TNT and saw a bunch of people I haven't seen in a long time. Them Chelsea, Nicole and I went to see New Year's Eve at the Palladio. It was so cute! This is Becky and her fake mustache.

Day 172: December 19, 2011

Today was a long day. I was at work for over 9 hours. One of my tables gave me mini tabasco sauce!

Day 171: December 18, 2011

Saw Nicole's new house today! And then went to work. This is Nicole's cat Mittens.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 170: December 17, 2011

Went downtown to my old church for a funeral of a family friend Tim R.I.P, you were an amazing guy and loved! Then my mom and I went to a few shops on J Street and then I went to MSM at church and then spent an awesome night with my boyfriend and his parents. I thought this was kinda's just branches and birds but I love the silhouette.

Day 169: December 16, 2011

Spent the night at Anna's last night with the girls, had a lazy morning with them and then went over to work and closed so I didn't get home until midnight. This is a scarf that I'm working on. My mom taught me how to knit!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 168: December 15, 2011

Today has just been a day full of surprises. Nicole and I went to get lunch and then we see that my back left tire is really flat, so I carefully drive over to Les Shawb where everyone on the road is honking at me pointing at my tire...thank you but I'm already aware that my tire is flat, then come to find out it had completely sliced open because I didn't rotate my tires enough so I had to buy 2 new back tires....ugh. That set me back big time, I had all these errands today that are just going to have to wait. Then I go to E24's Christmas party and then have a girl's night with Kat, Anna and Margie. This is Kristen, Hannah and Erin, they are like my favorite people ever!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 167: December 14, 2011

Slept in a little and had the most wonderful time with my boyfriend. Then I closed at work. This is a neat little design on my drink.

Day 166: December 13, 2011

Stayed up very late last night finishing homework then went to school and turned in my final paper and took another final then went to work and thennnnn had Buffalo Wild Wings with the TNT group. And had a great talk with Nicole. These are some lights.

Day 165: December 12, 2011

Met up with the family at Margaritaville and said our goodbyes then Me, my Aunt Calla, Aunt Vicki and my mom had a nice lunch then hung out for a little bit before we went to the airport. This is my Uncle Wes!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 164: December 11, 2011

Day 2 in Vegas! Slept in and had a lovely breakfast in our suite with my mom and my Aunt Calla and Aunt Vicki. Then we checked out the Ballatio and had a delicious lunch at Olives. Then explored more Vegas and met up with all the rest of the family for my great Uncle Lloyd's 87th Birthday. Then some of us saw the Michael Jackon's Cirque Du Solei. It was a amazing! This is the giant Christmas tree outside the Palazzo. It's made out of bubbles.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 163: December 10, 2011

What a long day! My mom and I flew to Las Vegas! And we met up with some family! Once we got to Vegas me, my mom and my Aunt Vicki check into the Palazzo, it is so beautiful here! Our room is fabulous! We went to Piazza in San Marcos, in Venice Which is where this is taken! There's a gondola in the hotel! Then we checked out all the casinos and stuff. Then we went to Andrea Bochelli! Then had dinner at midnight then went to ben around 2. Tomorrow's going to be a long day.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 162: December 10, 2011

Spent the day with Allison! We went to breakfast and to the mall and then to lunch and then to work! Long day! Tomorrow I'm going to Las Vegas with my mom and meet up with family! This is an angel candle thing my mom and I got into Nicaragua!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 161: December 8, 2011

Met up at 7:00 with Miles to go over our Spanish presentation then at 9:00 we did our presentation in class! We did pretty well considering we had a day to memorize everything. I'm so glad it's over! Registered for classes...2 of the classes I wanted/needed were closed and the 2 of the ones I signed up for are wait listed and I got into Spanish 2. Hopefully I'll get into the other ones! This is one of the Africa cookies Aly and Allison made! They are selling them to raise money to go to Africa! Let me know if you want one!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 160: December 7, 2011

I wish I drank coffee, this morning I really needed some energy. Took my Spanish test then went to work and now I'm going to be memorizing my Spanish lines for the rest of the day...Presentation tomorrow! I'm so nervous. This is my cat...I think she has OCD. She is just chilling in a basket.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 159: December 6, 2011

I am so tired due to lack of sleep. I was working all night on homework and then went to school early to do more Spanish. Then went to Spanish, then English. For photo we went to the Palladio and took pictures there! This is Savanna, a sister of one of the girl's in my photo class. Today will consist of finishing my photo projects, memorizing my spanish presentation, studying for my spanish test and reading the rest of Hocus Pocus. Think I can do it? I sure hope I can.

Day 158: December 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom! Spanish class, work and then homework all day. This is a stressful week. I can't wait until it's over. This is the book that I should already be done with for English class....

Day 157: December 4, 2011

Worked lunch at OG then litterally came home for an hour and changed and then went back to OG for my mom's birthday. It was a great time! This is Christopher! One of the cutest kids ever!

Day 156: December 3, 2011

Slept in! Then hung out with Jenna and Nicole! We went to Chipotle and then to Allison's Africa concert at the Cozmic Cafe in Placerville! Super fun night! This is Jenna, Nicole and me!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 155: December 2, 2011

Slept in! And then did Spanish....that is all. Work tonight :/ These are matryoshka dolls that our exchange student brought us when he was here over the summer.

Day 154: December 1, 2011

Happy December! Had a pretty good day in all my classes! Then spend forever doing my photo project. Then had a great time at E24 and then spent time with Brett! My photo project is designing a magazine cover....I'm getting inspired by Urban Outfitter's magazines. Sorry for all the lame pictures lately. They'll get more interesting once finals are done.

Day 153: November 30, 2011

Just had Spanish class today....thank goodness, I was way too tired. Then spent the rest of the day reading Hocus Pocus and doing Spanish stuff with Miles. Then went to Blue Nami and had some sushi with Brett! This is my change safe I got when I signed up for a bank account when I was 10.