Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 152: November 29, 2011

School was pretty good today! Then for our lunch break Emily and I ran some errands, got gas, some stuff at Target, went to Panda and I got some new work shirts at Kohls. Work later today and then movies with my mom! This is my brother Gabe!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 151: November 28, 2011

It was hard going back to class after 5 days off, it was harder than usual to understand Spanish. I immediately went to work after class and then came home and relaxed for a little bit before Miles and I met up to work on our super complex spanish project. If you know me, you know that I am afraid of fire (lighting/touching fire....I like candles and fire pits and fire places). And at work, I've been having to light more and more birthday candles and I need to get better...so this is me lighting my candle.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 150: November 27, 2011

All I did today was work and homework. This is Ally, I've been uninspired lately. I need a vacation.

Day 149: November 26, 2011

I picked up a lunch shift then visited Sarah and Justin at Chicago Fire with Allison, so much fun! Then went to church and hung out with Brett, Lauren, and Noah! Good times! It got super foggy out of no where! It's kinda freaky.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 148: November 25, 2011

I got to sleep in! It was much needed! My two day long headache has now become a three day long headache. Also, I've been sneezing non-stop. I just want to feel normal again. Today, I have avoided homework all together, I cleaned my room, organized stuff, changed the cat box, showered, ironed work shirts, and a bunch of other stuff. I'm closing at work tonight....blahhhh. This is my annoying baby Zoey. I loveee her.

Day 147: November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! I am Thankful for my friends, family and most of all Jesus! I had a great Thanksgiving with some family in Brentwood. I'm not feeling too well though, I've had a two day long headache along with non stop sneezing. This is literally the only picture I took the who day. We did a surprise baby shower after dinner! It was a lot of fun!

Day 146: November 23, 2011

No class for me this morning! But I did have work. This is a hat my mom made for my cousin's baby....I would have taken another picture for my picture of the day but I totally forgot to...oh well!

Day 145: November 22, 2011

Another school and work day. I also got to hang out with Brett! This is baby Chuck Taylors for my cousin's baby. (Due March 10, 2012).

Day 144: November 21, 2011

It's a school and work day kind of day. Looks at all the pretty leaves! I love fall!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 143: November 20, 2011

Longggg day at work today. Aly and Alli came in though! That was a nice surprise! My grandma is in town visiting this week and she came today! This is a garbage can she made me like 5 years ago, it's pretty awesome. I use it to hold CDs though.

Day 142: November 19, 2011

Got my hair cut today! Well, trimmed. Then went to MSM at Lakeside then I met up with Crissy, Peyton, Adam and Krista at The Boardwalk for West Hem Roll's Magazine Release Show. This is Peyton and Crissy. I know I already did a mustache picture but mustache's are fun....and I'll probably have more in the future too. Be prepared.

Day 141: November 18, 2011

Today was a pretty laid back day. Had a really short shift at work then headed over to Lakeside for GAB group then had a great time with Brett! This is a sad excuse for a picture but this is my favorite movie and I almost forgot to take a picture of the day.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 140: November 17, 2011

Spanish class was alright, I wish I could just absorb the language really easy without having to try. English was really fun! All we did is talk about stuff, so funny! And photo was frustrating...oh well. Today's picture is kinda weird. Yeah....

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 139: November 16, 2011

Today was another one of those school then homework then work days. I am very much looking forward to Christmas break. This is my amigo Miles from my clase de espanol.

Day 138: November 15, 2011

I felt super sick this morning. Lameeee. Went to school then hung out with Emily! Then we met up with Kat, Anna and Margie to see Family Force 5 at The Boardwalk! It was so much fun! This is Emily and Me at Party City.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 137: November 14, 2011

I went to Spanish class and then to work. Yup. Hung out with my awesome small groups. We went to Chicago Fire and did our Bible study. Then hung out with Brett! Good times. This is Nicole! She's awesome!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 136: November 13, 2011

Back to work today after three much needed days off work. Didn't do much other than that. Well, I am doing homework and studying for my Spanish quiz tomorrow. This was my dad's idea, thanks dad!

Day 135: November 12, 2011

Lazy day! Slept in! Then later I went to MSM and hung out with a bunch of middle schoolers then went and hung out with Jordan, Jazlyn and Jesse. Fun times! This is wine glasses at Jordan's house.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 134: November 11, 2011

11.11.11 today! Exciting! Also, Veteran's Day! Explored Redding with Brett where we went to the coolest church and saw some friends and watched The Listening. Driving back was interesting, haha. This is Rummikub, pretty much one of the coolest games ever.

Day 133: November 10, 2011

Been feeling a little uncreative lately....but I really like the fall colors. Today, my English class was cancelled and we had a guest speaker in Photo. Then E24! Great day.

Day 132: November 9, 2011

School, work, and homework. Typical day. I was freaking out about what classes I'm going to take next semester too. Haha....some of you know what this is.

Day 131: November 8, 2011

I got a day off work today! Just went to school, hung out, and did some homework. Good day! This is a journal I got in Nicaragua, I love it!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 130: November 7, 2011

Spanish was kinda boring. Olive Garden was alright, I got to work with Allison, which is always a plus! Then I had small group and then had a movie night with one of my favorites! Great night! This picture is some of my small group, Nicole, Jaime and Kerstin. They are silly, but I love them.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 129: November 9, 2011

Got an extra hour of sleep! Yay daylight savings! Though it totally threw me off that it got dark really early. Today was just another work day. My tacks spilled all over my desk, so I took a picture of it.

Day 128: November 5, 2011

Lazy morning/afternoon. It was well needed! My mom went to visit family. Then I hung out with my dad and went to church. Then hung out with some hyper middle schoolers. Then had the most amazing night! I love the way rain looks on windows.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 127: November 4, 2011

Slept in today! Then went to the middle school GAB group and we did karaoke and black lights! This is literally the only picture I took the whole time.......hopefully I'll get a better one tomorrow.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 126: November 3, 2011

Awesome day! Spanish was really laid back, English was interesting and we got out early, Photo was...boring, but we got out early! Had a couple of hours of free time and then went to Peet's for a Bible study and then E24! I also experienced Sushi with some cool people. This picture doesn't give it justice but this is one awesome view Brett showed me.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 125: November 2, 2011

Today was a good day besides this morning I took a Spanish test, I definitely was not prepared for it. But work was pretty good and also I went downtown with Brett where we played Rummikub at Old Soul and then went to Jack's! Yum! These are salt and pepper shakers at Jack's.

Day 124: November 1, 2011

Happy November! Yay! Today was my long day at school, it was kinda boring, but oh well! Then I closed at work and stuff. My cat has been in my pictures a lot lately...but I don't even care because she's awesome and she likes to play fetch.

Day 123: October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween! Ha, I actually don't even like halloween very much. I was super tired today and pretty much just worked on my essay. This is the candy my parents passed out to the trick-or-treaters.