Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 122: October 30, 2011

Went to work then did homework, like usual. Then Allison came over and we went to a Halloween Party at some of our co-worker's house! It was a lot of fun! This is Allison with Zoey!! I absolutely love them both so so soooo much!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 121: October 29, 2011

Had a pretty good day at work. Then at Lakeside there was this cool event that I helped at. Then after the event, me, Brett, and Caleb chilled at BJ's where Brett and I had the most delicious bread soup bowl thing. So good, Caleb missed out. This is Brett holding the top of his bread bowl.

Day 120: October 29, 2011

I got to sleep in!!! Yay! Then I literally spent the whole day trying to write my essay. I have a pretty good idea what I'm going to write about and stuff but it's just putting it into words is the hard part. I had a pretty good time at work! This is my eye....yeah.

Day 119: October 28, 2011

School then Emily, Stephanie and I went to Islands to celebrate Stephanie's birthday! We had lots of fun! Then we went to Pinkberry!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 117: October 25, 2011

Pretty good day at school, good day at work. And I got to see some friends that I haven't seen in a long time! This is Chelsea and I love her so much!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 116: October 24, 2011

School, work and caught up with Lucy! I love her so much! Now time for lots of homework. Blahhh.

Day 115: October 23, 2011

Worked and hung out with Allison! Andddd I know I take way too many pictures of my cat, but I just love her, plus I almost forgot to take the picture of the yeah.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 114: October 22, 2011

My room is now clean! This is my brother Cameron from The Reel playing at a fundraiser concert at William Jessup in Rocklin.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 113: October 21, 2011

All I did today was work...all day long. Blahhhhhhh. This is Kyle the Zebra. I love him.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 112: October 20, 2011

Long day at school! And I E24 tonight! It was an awesome time! I saw this football just lying there and it had the name Wilson which reminded me of Cast Away...yeah.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 111: October 19, 2011

Spanish was canceled so I got to sleep in a little! Went to work then came home and did some homework. Then Emily came over and we worked on out presentation for English and then went to Panda. I found sparkly pipe cleaner things and made sparkly people.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 110: October 18, 2011

Spanish, English and Photo today. Then did some homework and then went to work. Typical day. Let's hope tomorrow is more exciting! These are apples in my mom's apple holder thing. Yum.

Day 109: October 17, 2011

Just not feeling it today. I hope I snap out of this weird mood. I went to Spanish then to work then did homework until Bible Study. Bible study was awesome! I love those ladies! This is the women's sign for the restrooms at The Block and I think it looks pretty awesome with the shadow.

Day 108: October 16, 2011

I definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I was in a weird mood all day. I went to work and then caught up with Crissy! I love her so much!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 107: October 15, 2011

Emily, Stephanie and I went to Taylor and Dylan's show (The Seeking) at Ace of Spades! It was definitely an interesting show. This is the headling band (The Winter Formal).

Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 106: October 14, 2011

Worked, relaxed and then went to dinner with Allison! I love her so much! We had a lot of fun! This is a mural of a map of FLC.

Day 105: October 13, 2011

Today was busy at school. Test in Spanish, in class essay in English and turning in our projects in Photo. But it's a relief to get all those out of the way. Went to E24! It was great. Here's Tony!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 104: October 12, 2011

Went to school and then work. Work was long but pretty good! Homework filled night tonight.....ugh. This is my mom shooting my dog with a water gun.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 103: October 11, 2011

Didn't go to be until 2am last night due to finishing my essay. Met at school at 7:45am to go over our Spanish skit, then turned in my essay, printed out my photo hw, took a photo quiz and then now I have work. Long day. This is Zoey, sometimes she's precious. I seriously want a nap right now.

Day 102: October 10, 2011

Today was such a long day. I literally didn't have time to take a picture. So, here's a bowl, it has soup in it, that's why it's on the stove. I went to Spanish then got home and did photo homework and started my essay then practiced our Spanish skit and then went back to doing my essay.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 101: October 9, 2011

Long day at work! Celebrated the last day of Endless Pasta Bowl with Allison and Andrew. Ha. And spent the rest of the day doing homework. I can't wait for this week to be over.

Day 100: October 8, 2011

I got a lot of sleep today! It was awesome! Then got my hair done, went to Target and Auto Zone, then Jebby and Rhonda came over and then I played games with awesome middle schoolers and then went to Zocalo downtown for Margie's birthday dinner! It was a lot of fun! This is Margie :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 99: October 7, 2011

Work and hanging out with Middle schoolers, interesting day! Meeting with Miles to work on our Spanish project. Then more homework. Yay midterms. I don't think you can tell, but those are ghosts hanging from the tree.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 98: October 6, 2011

I'm so stressed and busy. This week and next week are going to be crazy and hectic. This is foosball...yeah.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 97: October 5, 2011

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARGIE! Today is a pretty good day. Spanish class this morning then worked on Spanish project with Miles and then ran some errands and stuff. Work later tonight. The sky was so pretty today, I couldn't help but take a picture.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 96: October 4, 2011

Spanish class was cancelled, English and Photo class was alright. I've had this headache all day and work was crazy. Pessimistic day. Tomorrow should be better. This is a stream of water coming off a overhang ledge thing and the light caused a rainbow effect.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 95: October 3, 2011

I definitely did not want to get up this morning. I almost fell asleep in Spanish and I could not understand anything my Spanish teacher was saying. Then rushed to work then went home and did homework. Highlight of my day was going to Small group! I absolutely love my small group! This is my awesome camera neckless.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 94: October 2, 2011

Spent time with Kat today, church, lunch and the mall. Then took a nap and did some errands and homework! This is a picture of the candy crystal thing.

Day 93: October 1, 2011

Today, I got back from the youth sleepover and then cleaned a bunch and went to my co-worker Chantal's bridal shower! It was a lot of fun! Then I hung out with Jon and then went to MSM. And then ending the night with friends and then Kat :) Good day! These are some cupcakes that were at Chantal's bridal shower.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 92: September 30, 2011

Today, I opened at work and then hung out with Kat until we helped out at a youth group event. We did a sleepover sabotage! We totally owned the boys. This is Jackson, he was helping us sabotage the boys...he's awesome!