Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 91: September 29, 2011

Today was a weird day. Woke up in a bad mood that pretty much carried on to most of the day. I had school and I wasn't really feeling very well so I had a nap and then went to the gym and then Eighteen24. This is a picture during worship. It was a great message tonight.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 90: September 28, 2011

Another long day....I feel like it's just going to be a plethora of long days. But today was a great day! I went to Spanish and then to work where all of us were all jazzed up with energy, whoaaaaaa. Anyways, after that I picked Nicole up and we met up with Ally and Aly for some kickboxing action and then we all went over and joined Jamie and Sarah for baking cookies! This is Ally mixing up chocolate chip cookie dough. Yum!

Day 89: September 27, 2011

Such a long day today! I had Spanish, English and Photo then went to work. I ended up staying super late there because I took my first party by myself! And then I helped Jon buss tables and clean the restaurant and stuff. I got this book from Kat! It's my first photography book I ever got and it's super cool!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 88: September 26, 2011

Sorry my descriptions about my days have been very repetitive and boring lately...I'll try harder. I did not want to wake up this morning, I even went to bed early! Anyways, I had Spanish class this morning then went to work afterwards. It was a pretty good day at work! And then attempted to study Spanish with Miles, and then went to a Bible study! It was a lot of fun! This is a painting on the wall at my church. I love the lighting.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 87: September 25, 2011

Church this morning, homework and then work. I thought the candle looked pretty cool.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 86: September 24, 2011

Long day! Went to an OG Family breakfast, it was a lot of fun! Then opened at work after that. Took a little nap and then helped out at MSM. Good day today! I thought the sky was so pretty tonight! I couldn't help but take a picture!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 85: September 23, 2011

Had lunch with Allison, Courtney and Mackenzie! It was a lot of fun, I love those girls. Then helped out at GAB! And then had work! Long day today. Looking forward to tomorrow! I saw this caution tape and I thought it was pretty cool.

Day 84: September 22, 2011

Happy Birthday to Dave, Austin, and Brittany! Long day at school, had a really hard Spanish quiz and an in class essay for English, blehhhh. Hung out with Andrew and then went to church. Busy day! This is a lamp post thing.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 83: September 21, 2011

School and work. I saw this and I thought it was pretty cool! Hanging out with a friend later!

Day 82:September 20, 2011

School and work....yet again. But, I got an awesome parking spot, twice! And Got an A on my Spanish test, English was cancelled and Photo was almost bearable! This is me...obviously.

Day 81: September 19, 2011

Again, work and school. These are flowers my dad's work gave him for the death of my granddad. I love you granddad. You are missed. Oh, and Happy Birthday Victoria!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 80: September 18, 2011

Had a work and homework kind of day. My parents went to Apple Hill and got yummy apples and this cool hanging thing.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 79: September 17, 2011

Went skydiving with Jenni today! It was my second time and Jenni's fourth! It's our tradition! I got do tricks! We did a triple flip and spun in circles with the open parachute! It's so surreal when you're 13,000 feet in the air and you're just chilling in the sky talking to the people in the parachute next to you. This is a magic 8 ball, yeah pretty much.

Day 78: September 16, 2011

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRISSY!! Yay! Went to work and then hung out with Crissy and her family for her birthday! This is her awesome skull tea pot thing that she got a couple of years ago downtown.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 77: September 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Brittany! Went over to Brittany's house to celebrate her 21st with some friends! This is Winston, he's huge and precious.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 76: September 14, 2011

Late night last night, therefore super tired today. Did the usual school and work. Did a bunch of errands and stuff. This says, "When Sarah talks, the world listens." I found it in the fortune cookie that way. Weird huh?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 75: September 13, 2011

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNI! Today is Jenni's Birthday and today I had my English Paper due and a Spanish test, fun stuff. Took a little nap and now off to work. This is Zoey, she's so precious.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 74: September 12, 2011

Spanish class today, then work! Took a little nap and then went to coffee with Meghan. And now I'm trying to finish my English paper and then study for my Spanish test tomorrow.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 73: September 11, 2011

Today was a day full of work and homework. This is a picture of my Grandpa Ralph and Great Uncle Ed in the early 1940's at the Empire State Building in New York.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 72: September 10, 2011

Woke up early and did Jazzersise with Anne! It was a lot of fun. Then did a bit of homework and stuff. This is a candle that sits right next to my bed. I like it.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 71: September 9, 2011

Slept in for the first time in a while. Not feeling very well today. I'm writing a paper for my English class, it's not going so well and I'm closing at work tonight. I hope I get everything done. This is a picture of yarn. I can't wait to start knitting again. Fall come sooner please.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 70: September 8, 2011

If you know anything about me it's that I love Dark Chocolate and Burt's Bees Chapstick. Went to school like usual and then I went to the DMV to get a new license because my wallet was lost/stolen. Kat and Youth Group later then good-bye dinner for Kyle.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 69: September 7, 2011

Went to school then out to Tahoe Joe's for lunch with Caity and Nicole to see Kyle for his last day of work there. Work later today. And this is Salad Fingers that my friend Tammy made for me Sophomore year in high school.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 68: September 6, 2011

I really didn't want to go back to school after this amazing weekend but I had to, it wasn't too bad though. I'm off to work now then going to study some Spanish later....or should I say, I'm lame. Oh, this is a penguin.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 67: September 5, 2011

Great message this morning but now time to go back into reality. I had an amazing weekend getting to know and spend time with amazing people. Now I need to do homework. This is some pretty flowers that were at the camp.

Day 66: September 4, 2011

Today was our only full day. It was filled with worship, fun, games, amazing people and awesome conversations. This was one of the games where people would jump off the diving board to try and grab the chicken. Today was amazing! It ended with talking to awesome people until 1:30am by a campfire overlooking the lake and under a blanket of stars. Amazing.

Day 65: September 3, 2011

Went to Woodleaf with Lakeside for a College Retreat where the purpose was to meet other people from other churches and join together as one. Today we got there hung out and played some games and had a great message and worship. This is the lake/pond in front of our cabin. It is beautiful there!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 64: September 2, 2011

I went to Joshua Fest today! Met up with Emily and Ginny. It was super hot but we listened to some awesome music and saw a lot of old friends. This is Gabriel from The Listening, he also happens to lead worship at my church.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 63: September 1, 2011

Lost my wallet yesterday, still can't find it. Awesome. Long day at school. And later I'm helping out at Bryce's youth group. Woo! 4 day weekend andddd no work?! Whaaaaa? Can't wait. This is a guy's tattoo from my photo class.