Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 62: August 31, 2011

School and work. Yup, that's my day. This is some flower thing by my house. I need inspiration.

Day 61: August 30, 2011

Another long day. School then work then hung out with some friends. This is Micah, I absolutely love what his shirt stands for.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 60: August 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Anna!! Today was another long day. School, work, saw some old friends and then went to Anna's birthday dinner!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 59: August 28, 2011

Went to church then work then studied some Spanish. Long but great day! This is me and Victoria in one of those photobooth things at the mall sometime last year. I miss this. I miss her.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 58: August 27, 2011

Day off! Slept in, got my hair trimmed and hung out with Emily and hung out the middle schoolers! This is Jordan dressed up as a panda for one of the skits!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 57: August 26, 2011

Hanging out with Nicole, Ally and Zoey! Me and Nicole went to the car wash and Target. Now time for work!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 56: August 25, 2011

First week of school is done! Kind of boring but that's what the first week is all about. I love my kitty Zoey! She is so precious. I almost did my picture of her today but two in a row is a no no. This is my "free hugs" wallet. I love it!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 55: August 24, 2011

I GOT A KITTEN! Ahhhhhhhhh! I'm so happy right now! It was a good day at school and a good day at work too! This picture is of my new kitten! Yes!

Day 54: August 23, 2011

Very long day. School then work then hung out with some friends! Yup. Tomorrow will be a repeat. Today's picture is my planner, yes I keep a planner.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 53: August 22, 2011

Good to be back at school today! I had Spanish. Pretty much intimidating. Yeah. Then spent the rest of my day at Olive Garden. Literally, all day. Today's picture is of my mom's clock. It's kind of weird, but I like it.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 52: August 21, 2011

Today was a good day. Went to Beal's Point for Nicole's Baptism! It was a great way to end the summer. School tomorrow! This is Caity's cool hair flower!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 51: August 20, 2011

Worked 9 days in a row this week, I'm pretty darn tired. Day off tomorrow, kinda. This picture is of my robot neckless. Yeah, pretty much.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 50: August 19, 2011

Work was super busy. I was scheduled as a hostess but then switched over as a server because there were like a bazillion large parties. Woo! Today's picture is of my converse, yes, I still wear converse.

Day 49: August 18, 2011

Another day at work. I felt so sick today that I took a long nap. Pinkberry made me feel better, ha.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 48: August 17, 2011

I got to see Moriah for a little bit today! And quickly said hi to Bethany at her work. Then, I went to the good ol' Olive Garden and served some tables. So so soooo busy, I am very tired. I get to do it all over again tomorrow. My dad gave me the idea to take a picture of this magnet, it's of a paua shell, which is native to New Zealand, which is where my dad is from.

Day 47: August 16, 2011

Work, like usual then visited Mimi for her birthday! And hung out with some friends! This is Nicole sitting in the back of her trunk reading a magazine.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 46: August 15, 2011

Work was crazy today, I seriously wanted to go into a corner and hide. Oh well, it all worked out. Today's picture is my perfume I've been wearing for like a million years.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 45: August 14, 2011

Went to church with my mom and then target. Work in a little bit. This picture is of me and I'm on itunes on my Mac (which is not in the picture), it's kinda weird, oh well.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 44: August 13, 2011

Worked this morning, lunch with friends and then hung out with Meghan for a little bit! Good to see her. Then went to church! This is my dog Ally...yeah.

Day 43: August 12, 2011

Went to work then hung out at Brian's for swimming and stuff! Fun day!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 42: August 11, 2011

Hung out with Crissy! Finally! I love her so much! This is her making an awesome bunny shadow puppet. Oh yeah.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 41: August 10, 2011

Today, I helped Charley, one of my teachers from high school, with his classroom, kind of. Haha. It was great to see him! I'm excited that he's teaching middle school, I think I'm more excited then him. Also, I got a new battery in the Kia. This is a picture of my neckless. It hangs in my car. Sweet.

Day 40: August 9, 2011

Great day, stupid night. This picture is one of those toy car things, it kind of looks like it has a face and it also kind of looks like it's locked up in jail or something.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 39: August 8, 2011

What a day. Thank God it got better. I got to see Victoria today and help her out with some Streetlight Fire promos. Victoria got a lot more, but here's one I took.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 38: August 7, 2011

Worked on my budget with my mom and now I have work. This is a picture of a notebook that my Grandma and I write in to each other and pass back and forth.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 37: August 6, 2011

Slow day at work, then I took a nap. Church and then movies with my mom tonight!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 36: August 5, 2011

After work, Emily and her niece Amber were in Folsom so they stopped by to say hello! It was good to see them for a little bit. The fall semester is almost here, I can't wait!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 35: August 4, 2011

Went to work this morning then Nicole and I went to my Olive Garden company picnic at the lake. It was really fun! There were OG employes from Folsom, Roseville, Cal Expo and Citrus Heights. This is one of Chantal's dogs Reese. Such a cutie!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 34: August 3, 2011

Today, I woke up pretty early and hung out with Lisa and Mark, we went to the Folsom Zoo, which is where this picture was taken. Then later Sierra came over! I haven't seen her in a year! Good day today.

Day 33: August 2, 2011

Today was a really long day. This picture is an old man puppet, he likes to golf and I used to have the shoes he's wearing.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 32: August 1, 2011

August 1st! That means only 21 more days until the fall semester starts. Today's picture is a self-portrat. And now I'm going to work.