Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 365: June 29, 2012

LAST DAY. I can hardly believe it. Today I hung out with my boyfriend Josh. We went to see The Seeking at the Ace Of Spades. I decided to do a self portrait because I started with one at the very beginning and I'll end with one. 

Day 364: June 28, 2012

I went to work and then met up with Megan A., Kadie, Sam and Jessica where we skyped Julia! We miss her so much! Then we went to youth group. This is Megan playing with kids toys. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 363: June 27, 2012

Hung out with Josh for a little bit today and then went to work! This is my beautiful mom! 

Day 362: June 26, 2012

Lazy day today! Then went to college group with Josh. And after a bunch of us went to BJ's. Good day! These are post cards my dad wrote a long time ago!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 361: June 25, 2012

Work, pinterest and the bachelorette with Nicole. Good day! This is Nicole's fish!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 360: June 24, 2012

5 more days!!!!! Today my family and I went to Islands for a late Father's Day lunch and then I hung out with Josh. Another great day!

Day 359: June 23, 2012

I know I've done a million pictures of my cat but she had to go to the vet and now she's high on some drugs. Then I had work.